Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (2024)


Vincenzo "Skulz" Milella




Vincenzo "Skulz" Milella



Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (1)

Season 14 official rank distribution data released by Psyonix. Find out the percentage of players by tier in each season and learn the true value of your skill.

Rocket League rank distribution

Some software houses prefer to hide the data on their player base and rankings, while others provide an API with which most of these statistics can be gathered. Psyonix is completely transparent and releases official data on the rank distribution at the end of each season.

The data below includes Solo Duel, Standard, Doubles, and all extra modes, showing the percentage of players in each tier. All regions and platforms are considered.

I will continue updating the article with the new seasonal data as soon as it is available. In this way, we will be able to understand how the distribution evolves over time and if there is any difference.

More Rocket League articles:

  • Best cars and hitboxes

  • Season end date

  • How to increase FPS

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (2)

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the percentile of players. For example, as a Diamond 1 in Solo Duel you are in the top 11.819% of the player base.

The tables are responsive and sortable. If you are using a phone, press on the grey bar to swipe and sort them.

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.004% 100.002% 100.000%
Bronze 2 99.911% 99.843% 99.886%
Bronze 3 99.901% 99.339% 99.548%
Silver 1 99.497% 97.969% 98.702%
Silver 2 98.194% 94.856% 96.904%
Silver 3 95.142% 88.844% 93.598%
Gold 1 89.372% 79.451% 88.304%
Gold 2 80.337% 67.103% 80.634%
Gold 3 67.161% 53.993% 71.005%
Platinum 1 51.921% 41.868% 60.231%
Platinum 2 35.704% 31.400% 48.791%
Platinum 3 21.544% 23.115% 38.314%
Diamond 1 11.819% 16.689% 29.482%
Diamond 2 5.965% 10.433% 19.922%
Diamond 3 2.934% 6.336% 13.176%
Champion 1 1.437% 3.742% 8.519%
Champion 2 0.673% 1.576% 4.001%
Champion 3 0.326% 0.663% 1.848%
GC 1 0.160% 0.263% 0.807%
GC 2 0.041% 0.077% 0.247%
GC 3 0.019% 0.039% 0.093%
SL 0.021% 0.004% 0.027%

The average rank in Standard is Gold 3.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (3)

Tier Rumble Hoops Dropshot
Bronze 1 100.000% 100.001% 100.000%
Bronze 2 99.945% 99.982% 99.912%
Bronze 3 99.682% 99.866% 99.617%
Silver 1 98.886% 99.277% 98.788%
Silver 2 97.044% 97.597% 96.812%
Silver 3 93.074% 93.331% 93.586%
Gold 1 85.720% 84.524% 88.139%
Gold 2 73.689% 70.100% 79.671%
Gold 3 57.447% 52.808% 67.788%
Platinum 1 39.851% 34.569% 53.607%
Platinum 2 24.806% 20.995% 39.125%
Platinum 3 14.389% 12.121% 26.540%
Diamond 1 8.016% 6.821% 16.940%
Diamond 2 4.384% 3.792% 10.247%
Diamond 3 2.404% 2.105% 5.934%
Champion 1 1.305% 1.143% 3.334%
Champion 2 0.686% 0.610% 1.797%
Champion 3 0.354% 0.311% 0.961%
GC 1 0.139% 0.131% 0.453%
GC 2 0.049% 0.051% 0.148%
GC 3 0.014% 0.014% 0.061%
SL 0.005% 0.012% 0.025%

Free To Play launch and competitive changes

  • With the Free To Play release, Psyonix reset the season numbers, so we will start again with Season 1.

  • Grand Champion is now split into three tiers to better separate the best players in the game: Grand Champion I, II, and III.

  • There is a new top competitive rank: Supersonic Legend. This rank is tuned to be very exclusive based on historical ranking data.

  • Starting from this season, all soft resets will shift the skill curve towards the median rank (Gold III).

    • Players above this rank will move down an average of one tier, while players below the median will move up an average of one tier.

    • On the top end, players are hard capped at around Grand Champion I.

    • Current Bronze players might be placed in a higher rank than usual because they are probably better than new players who just joined RL with the F2P launch.

  • The Solo Standard playlist is discontinued.

    • The matchmaking system will now place more consistently solos against solos and parties against parties.

  • The Skill Tiers requirements for multiple playlists have been recalibrated.

  • New players must be at least level 10 before they can play in Competitive Playlists.

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (4)

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (5)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.97% 99.86% 99.91%
Bronze 3 99.81% 99.41% 99.62%
Silver 1 99.08% 98.14% 98.85%
Silver 2 97.01% 95.22% 97.16%
Silver 3 92.55% 89.49% 93.96%
Gold 1 84.89% 80.43% 88.72%
Gold 2 73.52% 68.31% 80.98%
Gold 3 59.22% 55.15% 71.13%
Platinum 1 43.76% 42.88% 60.02%
Platinum 2 28.56% 32.16% 48.22%
Platinum 3 16.64% 23.67% 37.43%
Diamond 1 8.95% 17.13% 28.37%
Diamond 2 4.48% 10.74% 18.72%
Diamond 3 2.19% 6.56% 12.06%
Champion 1 1.07% 3.89% 7.61%
Champion 2 0.50% 1.66% 3.44%
Champion 3 0.24% 0.70% 1.52%
GC 1 0.12% 0.28% 0.63%
GC 2 0.06% 0.08% 0.17%
GC 3 0.03% 0.02% 0.05%
SL 0.02% 0.01% 0.02%

The average rank in Standard and Solo Duel is Gold 3.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (6)

Tier Rumble Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.96% 99.99% 99.79%
Bronze 3 99.74% 99.93% 99.28%
Silver 1 99.06% 99.58% 97.95%
Silver 2 97.46% 98.53% 95.55%
Silver 3 93.99% 95.71% 91.14%
Gold 1 87.57% 89.42% 83.78%
Gold 2 76.86% 78.04% 72.84%
Gold 3 61.93% 61.93% 59.08%
Platinum 1 44.89% 44.09% 44.54%
Platinum 2 29.04% 28.25% 31.26%
Platinum 3 17.28% 16.85% 20.70%
Diamond 1 9.78% 9.65% 13.05%
Diamond 2 5.35% 5.38% 7.85%
Diamond 3 2.92% 3.00% 4.55%
Champion 1 1.59% 1.65% 2.55%
Champion 2 0.84% 0.89% 1.38%
Champion 3 0.44% 0.47% 0.74%
GC 1 0.18% 0.21% 0.35%
GC 2 0.05% 0.07% 0.11%
GC 3 0.02% 0.03% 0.04%
SL 0.01% 0.02% 0.03%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (7)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.02% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.99% 99.86% 99.93%
Bronze 3 99.79% 99.41% 99.70%
Silver 1 98.94% 98.16% 99.05%
Silver 2 96.66% 95.32% 97.55%
Silver 3 91.91% 89.82% 94.60%
Gold 1 84.02% 81.11% 89.62%
Gold 2 72.51% 69.39% 82.07%
Gold 3 58.35% 56.51% 72.29%
Platinum 1 43.21% 44.34% 61.04%
Platinum 2 28.44% 33.52% 48.98%
Platinum 3 16.84% 24.85% 37.82%
Diamond 1 9.24% 18.10% 28.30%
Diamond 2 4.69% 11.43% 18.33%
Diamond 3 2.31% 7.03% 11.49%
Champion 1 1.13% 4.20% 6.97%
Champion 2 0.53% 1.80% 2.99%
Champion 3 0.25% 0.77% 1.23%
GC 1 0.12% 0.31% 0.47%
GC 2 0.06% 0.09% 0.11%
GC 3 0.03% 0.02% 0.03%
SL 0.02% 0.00% 0.01%

The average rank in Standard and Solo Duel is Gold 3.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (8)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 99.99% 100.01%
Bronze 2 99.95% 99.85% 99.98% 99.66%
Bronze 3 99.73% 99.40% 99.92% 98.90%
Silver 1 99.07% 98.20% 99.58% 97.06%
Silver 2 97.55% 95.50% 98.56% 93.96%
Silver 3 94.29% 91.33% 95.92% 88.58%
Gold 1 88.29% 84.63% 90.06% 80.06%
Gold 2 78.31% 74.74% 79.49% 68.33%
Gold 3 64.21% 61.88% 64.28% 54.44%
Platinum 1 47.75% 47.55% 46.93% 40.54%
Platinum 2 31.80% 33.84% 30.92% 28.26%
Platinum 3 19.44% 22.50% 18.83% 18.66%
Diamond 1 11.23% 14.11% 10.93% 11.73%
Diamond 2 6.21% 8.40% 6.15% 7.02%
Diamond 3 3.41% 4.79% 3.43% 4.06%
Champion 1 1.87% 2.64% 1.90% 2.26%
Champion 2 0.99% 1.38% 1.02% 1.20%
Champion 3 0.52% 0.72% 0.53% 0.63%
GC 1 0.21% 0.32% 0.22% 0.29%
GC 2 0.07% 0.08% 0.07% 0.07%
GC 3 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02%
SL 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (9)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 99.99% 100.00% 99.99%
Bronze 2 99.97% 99.82% 99.94%
Bronze 3 99.80% 99.26% 99.75%
Silver 1 99.05% 97.80% 99.24%
Silver 2 96.90% 94.57% 98.04%
Silver 3 92.33% 88.58% 95.67%
Gold 1 84.64% 79.45% 91.59%
Gold 2 73.31% 67.55% 85.22%
Gold 3 59.09% 54.87% 76.67%
Platinum 1 43.91% 43.04% 66.51%
Platinum 2 29.27% 32.61% 55.03%
Platinum 3 17.59% 24.29% 43.93%
Diamond 1 9.80% 17.78% 33.92%
Diamond 2 5.05% 11.30% 22.76%
Diamond 3 2.52% 6.99% 14.82%
Champion 1 1.24% 4.20% 9.32%
Champion 2 0.58% 1.82% 4.17%
Champion 3 0.27% 0.79% 1.81%
GC 1 0.13% 0.32% 0.73%
GC 2 0.06% 0.09% 0.18%
GC 3 0.03% 0.02% 0.04%
SL 0.02% 0.00% 0.01%

The average rank in Standard and Solo Duel is Gold 3.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (10)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 99.97% 100.03%
Bronze 2 99.93% 99.98% 99.95% 99.96%
Bronze 3 99.63% 99.91% 99.85% 99.72%
Silver 1 98.78% 99.63% 99.36% 98.88%
Silver 2 96.90% 98.63% 98.00% 97.08%
Silver 3 93.06% 96.48% 94.69% 93.37%
Gold 1 86.27% 92.02% 87.95% 86.75%
Gold 2 75.54% 84.13% 76.54% 76.65%
Gold 3 61.10% 72.42% 61.07% 63.75%
Platinum 1 44.88% 58.08% 44.17% 49.71%
Platinum 2 29.69% 43.26% 29.04% 36.52%
Platinum 3 18.16% 30.10% 17.77% 25.36%
Diamond 1 10.51% 19.71% 10.41% 16.77%
Diamond 2 5.87% 12.21% 5.93% 10.50%
Diamond 3 3.25% 7.20% 3.35% 6.30%
Champion 1 1.79% 4.09% 1.88% 3.63%
Champion 2 0.96% 2.20% 1.02% 1.97%
Champion 3 0.51% 1.15% 0.53% 1.04%
GC 1 0.21% 0.53% 0.23% 0.49%
GC 2 0.06% 0.20% 0.07% 0.19%
GC 3 0.02% 0.04% 0.02% 0.03%
SL 0.01% 0.02% 0.01% 0.02%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (11)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 99.98% 99.98% 100.01%
Bronze 2 99.91% 99.87% 99.99%
Bronze 3 99.54% 99.49% 99.91%
Silver 1 98.21% 98.44% 99.67%
Silver 2 94.98% 95.98% 99.06%
Silver 3 88.85% 91.1% 97.77%
Gold 1 79.41% 83.17% 95.33%
Gold 2 66.47% 72.16% 91.14%
Gold 3 51.58% 59.62% 84.84%
Platinum 1 36.73% 47.5% 76.5%
Platinum 2 23.22% 36.41% 66.07%
Platinum 3 13.44% 27.36% 54.79%
Diamond 1 7.29% 20.25% 43.92%
Diamond 2 3.68% 13.04% 30.44%
Diamond 3 1.81% 8.17% 20.39%
Champion 1 0.88% 4.98% 13.3%
Champion 2 0.41% 2.18% 6.08%
Champion 3 0.19% 0.96% 2.7%
Grand Champion 1 0.09% 0.4% 1.13%
Grand Champion 2 0.04% 0.12% 0.28%
Grand Champion 3 0.02% 0.03% 0.07%
Supersonic Legend 0.01% 0.01% 0.02%

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (12)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.01% 100% 100.01% 100%
Bronze 2 99.97% 98.96% 100% 97.77%
Bronze 3 99.78% 96.05% 99.96% 93.55%
Silver 1 99.21% 89.51% 99.74% 85.22%
Silver 2 97.87% 77.61% 99.04% 74.46%
Silver 3 94.96% 63.94% 97.19% 61%
Gold 1 89.61% 48.84% 92.92% 46.67%
Gold 2 80.68% 34.6% 84.88% 33.49%
Gold 3 67.8% 22.92% 72.25% 22.68%
Platinum 1 52.22% 14.33% 56.37% 14.54%
Platinum 2 36.2% 8.47% 39.78% 8.86%
Platinum 3 22.97% 4.8% 25.79% 5.16%
Diamond 1 13.66% 2.6% 15.68% 2.89%
Diamond 2 7.73% 1.34% 9.13% 1.54%
Diamond 3 4.3% 0.66% 5.22% 0.78%
Champion 1 2.38% 0.3% 2.95% 0.38%
Champion 2 1.27% 0.13% 1.64% 0.18%
Champion 3 0.68% 0.05% 0.89% 0.08%
Grand Champion 1 0.29% 0.01% 0.41% 0.03%
Grand Champion 2 0.09% 0% 0.14% 0.01%
Grand Champion 3 0.02% 0% 0.04% 0%
Supersonic Legend 0.01% 0% 0.02% 0%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (13)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.00% 99.99% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.94% 99.87% 99.97%
Bronze 3 99.61% 99.47% 99.87%
Silver 1 98.38% 98.36% 99.58%
Silver 2 95.31% 95.79% 98.88%
Silver 3 89.33% 90.76% 97.44%
Gold 1 79.98% 82.66% 94.77%
Gold 2 67.04% 71.50% 90.21%
Gold 3 52.18% 58.90% 83.44%
Platinum 1 37.42% 46.85% 74.59%
Platinum 2 23.87% 35.83% 63.64%
Platinum 3 13.99% 26.92% 52.17%
Diamond 1 7.68% 19.93% 41.41%
Diamond 2 3.92% 12.83% 28.42%
Diamond 3 1.96% 8.06% 18.93%
Champion 1 0.95% 4.92% 12.32%
Champion 2 0.44% 2.16% 5.56%
Champion 3 0.20% 0.95% 2.43%
Grand Champion 1 0.09% 0.40% 1.00%
Grand Champion 2 0.04% 0.12% 0.24%
Grand Champion 3 0.02% 0.03% 0.06%
Supersonic Legend 0.01% 0.01% 0.02%

The average rank in Standard and Solo Duel is Gold 3.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (14)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.00% 99.99% 99.99% 100.01%
Bronze 2 99.96% 99.19% 99.98% 98.26%
Bronze 3 99.77% 96.90% 99.93% 94.84%
Silver 1 99.18% 91.53% 99.68% 87.87%
Silver 2 97.80% 81.24% 98.91% 78.30%
Silver 3 94.82% 68.64% 96.94% 65.74%
Gold 1 89.36% 53.75% 92.47% 51.45%
Gold 2 80.30% 38.92% 84.26% 37.55%
Gold 3 67.38% 26.17% 71.65% 25.68%
Platinum 1 51.94% 16.51% 56.02% 16.59%
Platinum 2 36.08% 9.84% 39.75% 10.14%
Platinum 3 22.98% 5.60% 25.95% 5.91%
Diamond 1 13.72% 3.04% 15.91% 3.33%
Diamond 2 7.78% 1.59% 9.33% 1.79%
Diamond 3 4.34% 0.79% 5.38% 0.93%
Champion 1 2.39% 0.38% 3.05% 0.46%
Champion 2 1.28% 0.16% 1.70% 0.23%
Champion 3 0.68% 0.07% 0.93% 0.11%
Grand Champion 1 0.29% 0.03% 0.44% 0.05%
Grand Champion 2 0.09% 0.01% 0.15% 0.02%
Grand Champion 3 0.02% 0.00% 0.05% 0.01%
Supersonic Legend 0.01% 0.00% 0.03% 0.01%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (15)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 99.98% 99.99% 100.01%
Bronze 2 99.94% 99.89% 100.00%
Bronze 3 99.73% 99.54% 99.95%
Silver 1 98.85% 98.55% 99.80%
Silver 2 96.42% 96.24% 99.38%
Silver 3 91.28% 91.59% 98.39%
Gold 1 82.77% 83.92% 96.28%
Gold 2 70.55% 73.21% 92.31%
Gold 3 55.88% 60.88% 85.83%
Platinum 1 40.78% 48.85% 76.79%
Platinum 2 26.50% 37.69% 65.44%
Platinum 3 15.83% 28.57% 53.29%
Diamond 1 8.81% 21.33% 41.91%
Diamond 2 4.58% 13.91% 28.56%
Diamond 3 2.32% 8.85% 18.87%
Champion 1 1.13% 5.47% 12.17%
Champion 2 0.53% 2.44% 5.47%
Champion 3 0.25% 1.09% 2.36%
Grand Champion 1 0.12% 0.46% 0.95%
Grand Champion 2 0.06% 0.14% 0.22%
Grand Champion 3 0.03% 0.04% 0.05%
Supersonic Legend 0.02% 0.01% 0.01%

The average rank in Standard and Solo Duel is Gold 3.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (16)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.04% 99.98% 100.00% 100.01%
Bronze 2 100.00% 99.40% 99.99% 98.69%
Bronze 3 99.81% 97.67% 99.93% 96.01%
Silver 1 99.24% 93.45% 99.66% 90.39%
Silver 2 97.92% 84.95% 98.85% 82.30%
Silver 3 95.09% 73.86% 96.83% 71.02%
Gold 1 89.90% 59.83% 92.38% 57.28%
Gold 2 81.27% 44.81% 84.32% 43.02%
Gold 3 68.82% 31.09% 72.04% 30.20%
Platinum 1 53.76% 20.13% 56.86% 19.83%
Platinum 2 38.01% 12.28% 40.89% 12.32%
Platinum 3 24.68% 7.11% 27.15% 7.31%
Diamond 1 15.01% 3.95% 16.92% 4.16%
Diamond 2 8.65% 2.09% 10.07% 2.26%
Diamond 3 4.90% 1.07% 5.86% 1.19%
Champion 1 2.72% 0.51% 3.34% 0.60%
Champion 2 1.47% 0.23% 1.87% 0.28%
Champion 3 0.79% 0.10% 1.03% 0.13%
Grand Champion 1 0.34% 0.03% 0.48% 0.05%
Grand Champion 2 0.11% 0.01% 0.16% 0.02%
Grand Champion 3 0.03% 0.00% 0.05% 0.01%
Supersonic Legend 0.01% 0.00% 0.03% 0.01%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (17)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.00% 99.98% 99.98%
Bronze 2 99.97% 99.88% 99.97%
Bronze 3 99.77% 99.52% 99.93%
Silver 1 98.92% 98.50% 99.79%
Silver 2 96.54% 96.14% 99.39%
Silver 3 91.51% 91.43% 98.42%
Gold 1 83.19% 83.75% 96.27%
Gold 2 71.24% 73.09% 92.11%
Gold 3 56.88% 60.90% 85.21%
Platinum 1 42.03% 49.07% 75.53%
Platinum 2 27.81% 38.07% 63.65%
Platinum 3 16.99% 29.05% 51.31%
Diamond 1 9.69% 21.85% 40.18%
Diamond 2 5.17% 14.39% 27.39%
Diamond 3 2.69% 9.25% 18.18%
Champion 1 1.36% 5.77% 11.78%
Champion 2 0.66% 2.61% 5.33%
Champion 3 0.32% 1.17% 2.32%
Grand Champion 1 0.16% 0.50% 0.92%
Grand Champion 2 0.08% 0.15% 0.20%
Grand Champion 3 0.04% 0.04% 0.04%
Supersonic Legend 0.02% 0.01% 0.01%

The average rank in Standard and Solo Duel is Gold 3.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (18)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 99.99% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.95% 99.57% 99.99% 98.97%
Bronze 3 99.75% 98.25% 99.94% 96.81%
Silver 1 99.16% 94.88% 99.70% 92.18%
Silver 2 97.83% 87.80% 98.97% 85.36%
Silver 3 94.99% 78.05% 97.08% 75.26%
Gold 1 89.82% 64.99% 92.82% 62.42%
Gold 2 81.25% 50.17% 84.96% 48.20%
Gold 3 68.98% 35.83% 72.88% 34.67%
Platinum 1 54.20% 23.82% 57.89% 23.36%
Platinum 2 38.68% 14.81% 41.99% 14.75%
Platinum 3 25.41% 8.77% 28.18% 8.85%
Diamond 1 15.68% 4.95% 17.79% 5.12%
Diamond 2 9.13% 2.67% 10.72% 2.83%
Diamond 3 5.23% 1.38% 6.33% 1.51%
Champion 1 2.92% 0.69% 3.66% 0.78%
Champion 2 1.58% 0.32% 2.07% 0.39%
Champion 3 0.85% 0.14% 1.16% 0.18%
Grand Champion 1 0.37% 0.05% 0.55% 0.07%
Grand Champion 2 0.12% 0.01% 0.18% 0.02%
Grand Champion 3 0.03% 0.00% 0.05% 0.01%
Supersonic Legend 0.01% 0.00% 0.03% 0.01%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (19)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.00% 99.99% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.96% 99.86% 99.98%
Bronze 3 99.70% 99.44% 99.92%
Silver 1 98.67% 98.28% 99.72%
Silver 2 95.99% 95.67% 99.15%
Silver 3 90.58% 90.62% 97.80%
Gold 1 82.00% 82.62% 94.91%
Gold 2 70.00% 71.79% 89.58%
Gold 3 55.99% 59.67% 81.30%
Platinum 1 41.77% 48.11% 70.61%
Platinum 2 28.05% 37.38% 58.47%
Platinum 3 17.53% 28.61% 46.68%
Diamond 1 10.28% 21.62% 36.53%
Diamond 2 5.60% 14.32% 25.00%
Diamond 3 2.99% 9.28% 16.73%
Champion 1 1.55% 5.84% 10.97%
Champion 2 0.75% 2.67% 5.03%
Champion 3 0.36% 1.22% 2.23%
Grand Champion 1 0.17% 0.53% 0.92%
Grand Champion 2 0.08% 0.16% 0.21%
Grand Champion 3 0.04% 0.04% 0.05%
Supersonic Legend 0.02% 0.01% 0.01%

The average rank in Standard and Solo Duel is Gold 3.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (20)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.01% 99.99% 100.00% 100.04%
Bronze 2 99.96% 99.68% 99.99% 99.25%
Bronze 3 99.72% 98.69% 99.93% 97.56%
Silver 1 99.05% 96.08% 99.64% 93.89%
Silver 2 97.58% 90.42% 98.81% 88.32%
Silver 3 94.52% 82.27% 96.75% 79.83%
Gold 1 89.07% 70.79% 92.25% 68.42%
Gold 2 80.24% 56.81% 84.24% 54.98%
Gold 3 67.93% 42.34% 72.28% 41.21%
Platinum 1 53.41% 29.32% 57.67% 28.87%
Platinum 2 38.30% 18.93% 42.17% 18.97%
Platinum 3 25.40% 11.55% 28.63% 11.79%
Diamond 1 15.87% 6.73% 18.32% 6.98%
Diamond 2 9.32% 3.74% 11.16% 3.95%
Diamond 3 5.39% 2.00% 6.63% 2.18%
Champion 1 3.04% 1.04% 3.86% 1.18%
Champion 2 1.63% 0.52% 2.18% 0.61%
Champion 3 0.88% 0.25% 1.23% 0.31%
Grand Champion 1 0.38% 0.10% 0.60% 0.13%
Grand Champion 2 0.12% 0.03% 0.21% 0.04%
Grand Champion 3 0.03% 0.01% 0.06% 0.01%
Supersonic Legend 0.01% 0.00% 0.03% 0.01%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (21)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.01% 99.99%
Bronze 2 99.94% 99.85% 99.96%
Bronze 3 99.61% 99.34% 99.86%
Silver 1 98.38% 97.99% 99.52%
Silver 2 95.33% 95.02% 98.59%
Silver 3 89.41% 89.41% 96.46%
Gold 1 80.32% 80.79% 92.23%
Gold 2 67.97% 69.42% 85.03%
Gold 3 54.06% 57.03% 74.91%
Platinum 1 40.32% 45.55% 63.19%
Platinum 2 27.16% 35.09% 51.04%
Platinum 3 17.17% 26.69% 40.12%
Diamond 1 10.27% 20.13% 31.20%
Diamond 2 5.70% 13.26% 21.23%
Diamond 3 3.11% 8.55% 14.21%
Champion 1 1.65% 5.37% 9.34%
Champion 2 0.82% 2.43% 4.27%
Champion 3 0.39% 1.10% 1.89%
Grand Champion 1 0.19% 0.48% 0.78%
Grand Champion 2 0.09% 0.15% 0.18%
Grand Champion 3 0.05% 0.04% 0.04%
Supersonic Legend 0.03% 0.01% 0.01%

The average rank in Standard and Solo Duel is Gold 3.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (22)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow day
Bronze 1 100.00% 99.98% 100.03% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.93% 99.74% 100.01% 99.39%
Bronze 3 99.65% 98.97% 99.93% 98.07%
Silver 1 98.89% 96.92% 99.58% 95.08%
Silver 2 97.26% 92.28% 98.61% 90.47%
Silver 3 93.92% 85.37% 96.31% 83.25%
Gold 1 88.06% 75.21% 91.47% 73.09%
Gold 2 78.78% 62.22% 83.12% 60.53%
Gold 3 66.14% 47.93% 71.04% 46.93%
Platinum 1 51.67% 34.35% 56.64% 33.95%
Platinum 2 36.82% 22.88% 41.46% 23.00%
Platinum 3 24.33% 14.33% 28.26% 14.67%
Diamond 1 15.22% 8.49% 18.18% 8.85%
Diamond 2 8.90% 4.79% 11.08% 5.02%
Diamond 3 5.12% 2.56% 6.58% 2.76%
Champion 1 2.89% 1.31% 3.83% 1.48%
Champion 2 1.51% 0.64% 2.13% 0.76%
Champion 3 0.80% 0.30% 1.19% 0.37%
Grand Champion 1 0.35% 0.11% 0.59% 0.15%
Grand Champion 2 0.11% 0.02% 0.20% 0.04%
Grand Champion 3 0.03% 0.00% 0.06% 0.01%
Supersonic Legend 0.01% 0.00% 0.03% 0.01%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (23)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.94% 99.82% 99.97%
Bronze 3 99.58% 99.25% 99.84%
Silver 1 98.29% 97.80% 99.39%
Silver 2 95.18% 94.68% 98.14%
Silver 3 89.34% 88.90% 95.30%
Gold 1 80.59% 80.23% 89.90%
Gold 2 68.66% 68.85% 81.32%
Gold 3 55.22% 56.56% 70.14%
Platinum 1 41.88% 45.23% 58.24%
Platinum 2 28.68% 34.78% 46.49%
Platinum 3 18.53% 26.39% 36.34%
Diamond 1 11.39% 19.89% 28.22%
Diamond 2 6.43% 13.05% 19.20%
Diamond 3 3.59% 8.37% 12.85%
Champion 1 1.95% 5.24% 8.46%
Champion 2 0.99% 2.35% 3.87%
Champion 3 0.46% 1.06% 1.72%
Grand Champion 1 0.21% 0.47% 0.71%
Grand Champion 2 0.10% 0.15% 0.16%
Grand Champion 3 0.05% 0.04% 0.04%
Supersonic Legend 0.03% 0.01% 0.01%

The average rank in Standard and Solo Duel is Gold 3.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (24)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.92% 99.83% 99.98% 99.55%
Bronze 3 99.62% 99.28% 99.88% 98.53%
Silver 1 98.81% 97.72% 99.46% 96.16%
Silver 2 97.12% 94.14% 98.36% 92.47%
Silver 3 93.70% 88.58% 95.89% 86.47%
Gold 1 87.80% 80.03% 90.87% 77.79%
Gold 2 78.52% 68.47% 82.44% 66.51%
Gold 3 66.06% 54.88% 70.60% 53.58%
Platinum 1 51.92% 41.05% 56.58% 40.37%
Platinum 2 37.30% 28.47% 41.78% 28.35%
Platinum 3 24.90% 18.51% 28.74% 18.83%
Diamond 1 15.78% 11.31% 18.65% 11.69%
Diamond 2 9.28% 6.51% 11.38% 6.80%
Diamond 3 5.35% 3.56% 6.74% 3.76%
Champion 1 3.04% 1.84% 3.87% 2.00%
Champion 2 1.56% 0.90% 2.12% 1.02%
Champion 3 0.80% 0.42% 1.14% 0.52%
Grand Champion 1 0.35% 0.17% 0.56% 0.21%
Grand Champion 2 0.11% 0.05% 0.19% 0.06%
Grand Champion 3 0.03% 0.01% 0.05% 0.01%
Supersonic Legend 0.01% 0.00% 0.03% 0.01%

Psyonix introduced competitive play for all the Extra Modes (formerly known as Ranked Sports) during season 9.

They follow the same rule set used in standard modes: you have an unique MMR in each playlist, ten placement matches in each one are required to obtain a rank, and all the competitive rules (forfeiting, matchmaking bans, etc.) are applied as well.

Rumble, Dropshot, Hoops and Snow Day are no longer available as casual modes because keeping them in both casual and competitive play “could lead to great difficulty finding matches”.

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (25)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.90% 99.76% 99.91%
Bronze 3 99.46% 99.08% 99.57%
Silver 1 97.99% 97.41% 98.55%
Silver 2 94.70% 93.92% 96.09%
Silver 3 88.81% 87.71% 91.33%
Gold 1 80.25% 78.69% 83.69%
Gold 2 68.52% 67.11% 73.10%
Gold 3 55.48% 54.83% 61.22%
Platinum 1 42.66% 43.71% 49.91%
Platinum 2 29.49% 33.49% 39.27%
Platinum 3 19.37% 25.33% 30.60%
Diamond 1 12.26% 19.13% 23.80%
Diamond 2 7.07% 12.58% 16.24%
Diamond 3 4.06% 8.07% 10.95%
Champion 1 2.32% 5.08% 7.33%
Champion 2 1.23% 2.24% 3.43%
Champion 3 0.63% 0.99% 1.52%
Grand Champion 1 0.25% 0.44% 0.66%
Grand Champion 2 0.11% 0.14% 0.16%
Grand Champion 3 0.05% 0.04% 0.04%
Supersonic Legend 0.03% 0.01% 0.01%

The average rank in Standard and Solo Duel is Gold 3.

A summary of the data

Looking at the data, you might think that the player base is improving, as everyone advanced by about one rank compared to the previous seasons.

However, rank is not determined by absolute skill level, but by relative skill level: if you improve at the same rate as the other players in your tier, your rank will stay the same.

There are two potential reasons to explain the current trend:

  1. Psyonix may be pushing more players out of the lowest ranks. From Season 1 to 3, the average rank shifted more and more towards Gold 3, which is probably what the developers were trying to achieve.

  2. We might also theorize that the new players influx brought by the Free to Play launch artificially lowered the percentages of all higher ranks. After three seasons, most of them left the game as the hype ended, so the rank percentages are readjusting to their natural values.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (26)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.90% 99.70% 99.97% 99.68%
Bronze 3 99.56% 98.90% 99.84% 98.93%
Silver 1 98.66% 96.90% 99.34% 97.15%
Silver 2 96.81% 93.50% 98.10% 94.26%
Silver 3 93.14% 87.73% 95.43% 89.50%
Gold 1 86.96% 79.15% 90.26% 82.37%
Gold 2 77.49% 67.75% 81.83% 72.66%
Gold 3 65.06% 54.59% 70.25% 60.96%
Platinum 1 51.21% 41.12% 56.72% 48.23%
Platinum 2 36.91% 28.80% 42.19% 35.60%
Platinum 3 24.78% 18.89% 29.27% 24.71%
Diamond 1 15.85% 11.63% 19.15% 16.28%
Diamond 2 9.34% 6.66% 11.70% 9.83%
Diamond 3 5.37% 3.64% 6.89% 5.65%
Champion 1 3.07% 1.87% 3.93% 3.04%
Champion 2 1.54% 0.87% 2.11% 1.54%
Champion 3 0.76% 0.39% 1.08% 0.75%
Grand Champion 1 0.32% 0.16% 0.54% 0.35%
Grand Champion 2 0.10% 0.04% 0.18% 0.10%
Grand Champion 3 0.03% 0.01% 0.06% 0.03%
Supersonic Legend 0.01% 0.00% 0.03% 0.02%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (27)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.95% 99.68% 99.63%
Bronze 3 99.72% 98.92% 98.67%
Silver 1 98.81% 97.28% 96.54%
Silver 2 96.55% 93.77% 92.31%
Silver 3 92.23% 87.90% 85.69%
Gold 1 85.58% 79.64% 77.03%
Gold 2 75.00% 68.46% 66.08%
Gold 3 62.72% 56.67% 55.22%
Platinum 1 50.51% 42.54% 42.52%
Platinum 2 35.23% 29.17% 30.31%
Platinum 3 23.63% 19.87% 21.62%
Diamond 1 15.65% 13.59% 15.53%
Diamond 2 8.93% 7.65% 10.37%
Diamond 3 5.22% 4.23% 6.32%
Champion 1 3.19% 2.40% 3.85%
Champion 2 1.78% 1.27% 2.10%
Champion 3 1.00% 0.66% 1.12%
Grand Champion 1 0.55% 0.35% 0.60%
Grand Champion 2 0.22% 0.13% 0.19%
Grand Champion 3 0.10% 0.05% 0.06%
Supersonic Legend 0.05% 0.02% 0.03%

In Standard, Gold 3 is the average rank and the most populated one.

Season 2 competitive changes

  • 3v3 Standard: This season’s soft reset will be less aggressive than Season 1.

  • Grand Champion and Supersonic Legend Ranks in 3v3 Standard will be slightly easier to reach.

  • Rumble: Champion I and higher Ranks will be slightly tougher to reach.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (28)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.92% 100.00% 99.99% 99.97%
Bronze 3 99.67% 99.94% 99.96% 99.82%
Silver 1 98.97% 99.76% 99.82% 99.41%
Silver 2 97.51% 99.16% 99.35% 98.40%
Silver 3 94.52% 97.63% 97.86% 96.14%
Gold 1 89.35% 94.33% 94.27% 91.89%
Gold 2 81.04% 87.92% 86.96% 84.56%
Gold 3 69.72% 77.80% 75.23% 73.85%
Platinum 1 56.74% 64.30% 60.23% 60.69%
Platinum 2 42.12% 48.01% 42.75% 45.13%
Platinum 3 29.13% 32.64% 27.35% 30.85%
Diamond 1 19.41% 20.34% 16.05% 19.69%
Diamond 2 11.60% 11.25% 8.47% 11.09%
Diamond 3 6.71% 5.74% 4.26% 5.77%
Champion 1 3.34% 2.78% 2.08% 2.84%
Champion 2 1.32% 1.18% 0.94% 1.20%
Champion 3 0.50% 0.45% 0.41% 0.48%
Grand Champion 1 0.20% 0.18% 0.19% 0.22%
Grand Champion 2 0.04% 0.04% 0.05% 0.05%
Grand Champion 3 0.01% 0.01% 0.02% 0.02%
Supersonic Legend 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.01%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (29)

Tier Solo Duel Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.02% 100.02% 99.99%
Bronze 2 99.93% 99.73% 99.12%
Bronze 3 99.54% 98.88% 97.04%
Silver 1 98.10% 96.89% 92.74%
Silver 2 94.43% 92.65% 85.36%
Silver 3 87.33% 85.53% 75.25%
Gold 1 76.76% 75.64% 63.68%
Gold 2 62.20% 63.38% 51.52%
Gold 3 46.97% 50.90% 40.84%
Platinum 1 33.55% 36.79% 30.04%
Platinum 2 21.63% 24.97% 21.55%
Platinum 3 14.04% 17.06% 15.78%
Diamond 1 9.10% 11.76% 11.69%
Diamond 2 5.74% 6.96% 8.34%
Diamond 3 3.65% 3.81% 5.35%
Champion 1 2.29% 2.00% 3.24%
Champion 2 1.39% 0.97% 1.76%
Champion 3 0.81% 0.45% 0.87%
Grand Champion 1 0.40% 0.18% 0.40%
Grand Champion 2 0.09% 0.06% 0.10%
Grand Champion 3 0.04% 0.02% 0.03%
Supersonic Legend 0.02% 0.01% 0.01%

A summary of the data

In Season 1, the influx of new players brought by the Free To Play launch influenced the ranks deeply: they are not the same ranks we were used to.

Any new player who reached level 10, and then played 10 competitive games in a playlist, has been included in this data. Optimally, the best approach to analyze these numbers would be to use raw player counts at each tier in both season 14 and 1, however, Psyonix doesn’t share them with us.

Ultimately, the percentages shown in the graphs and tables above represent a brand new set of data that can’t be compared to the past seasons.

In Standard, the top 5% moved from Champion 2 to Diamond 2, which means that now it is exponentially more difficult to reach a high rank. Before, Grand Champion included 1.01% of the player base, while now only 0.27% of the players are spread out from Grand Champion I to Supersonic Legend.

Of course, the numbers are somewhat skewed by the large amount of new players, but it still looks significantly harder to achieve a high rank if compared to the past seasons.

Perhaps, some of these new players will drop out of Rocket League after a while, so the top will inflate a bit again. Nevertheless, I believe the developers also improved the matchmaking algorithm and the player distribution, correcting the massive rank inflation that took place in the past 3-4 seasons.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (30)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 99.99% 100.00% 100.01% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.92% 100.00% 100.01% 99.97%
Bronze 3 99.65% 99.97% 99.98% 99.83%
Silver 1 98.87% 99.84% 99.82% 99.43%
Silver 2 97.20% 99.37% 99.19% 98.41%
Silver 3 93.82% 98.12% 97.24% 96.25%
Gold 1 88.07% 95.37% 92.90% 92.34%
Gold 2 79.38% 90.00% 84.90% 85.83%
Gold 3 67.94% 81.33% 73.12% 76.34%
Platinum 1 55.09% 69.51% 58.61% 64.50%
Platinum 2 41.30% 54.65% 42.35% 50.52%
Platinum 3 28.93% 39.50% 27.89% 36.90%
Diamond 1 19.34% 26.43% 16.99% 25.10%
Diamond 2 11.86% 15.91% 9.60% 15.50%
Diamond 3 7.06% 8.82% 5.26% 8.83%
Champion 1 4.23% 4.58% 2.76% 4.70%
Champion 2 2.27% 2.13% 1.32% 2.11%
Champion 3 1.12% 0.86% 0.51% 0.76%
Grand Champion 1 0.54% 0.28% 0.21% 0.29%
Grand Champion 2 0.19% 0.06% 0.05% 0.06%
Grand Champion 3 0.07% 0.01% 0.02% 0.02%
Supersonic Legend 0.04% 0.00% 0.01% 0.01%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (31)

Tier Solo Duel Solo Standard Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 99.98% 99.99% 99.98% 100.01%
Bronze 2 98.26% 98.67% 98.90% 95.79%
Bronze 3 93.12% 95.67% 97.02% 90.56%
Silver 1 84.77% 91.51% 93.74% 83.76%
Silver 2 73.08% 85.56% 88.61% 75.77%
Silver 3 60.18% 77.88% 81.78% 67.52%
Gold 1 47.72% 68.91% 73.82% 59.57%
Gold 2 36.00% 58.41% 65.03% 51.82%
Gold 3 26.58% 47.93% 56.47% 44.93%
Platinum 1 19.30% 38.17% 46.31% 36.95%
Platinum 2 13.43% 28.93% 36.77% 29.58%
Platinum 3 9.26% 21.32% 28.98% 23.55%
Diamond 1 6.31% 15.44% 22.72% 18.58%
Diamond 2 4.16% 9.41% 17.12% 14.11%
Diamond 3 2.70% 5.53% 12.59% 10.52%
Champion 1 1.73% 3.06% 8.01% 6.90%
Champion 2 0.84% 1.35% 4.51% 4.04%
Champion 3 0.33% 0.43% 2.33% 2.14%
Grand Champion 0.12% 0.07% 1.01% 0.91%

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (32)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.02% 100.01% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.89% 99.99% 100.00% 99.97%
Bronze 3 99.43% 99.87% 99.98% 99.82%
Silver 1 98.35% 99.50% 99.84% 99.43%
Silver 2 96.24% 98.48% 99.28% 98.46%
Silver 3 92.50% 96.28% 97.59% 96.59%
Gold 1 86.74% 92.18% 93.83% 93.27%
Gold 2 78.55% 85.36% 86.86% 87.83%
Gold 3 68.40% 75.78% 76.56% 80.08%
Platinum 1 57.37% 64.16% 64.07% 70.31%
Platinum 2 45.51% 50.98% 50.11% 58.45%
Platinum 3 34.69% 38.19% 37.16% 46.13%
Diamond 1 25.71% 27.05% 26.27% 34.78%
Diamond 2 17.92% 17.77% 17.53% 24.44%
Diamond 3 12.17% 10.95% 11.24% 16.32%
Champion 1 7.14% 5.22% 5.86% 8.93%
Champion 2 3.56% 2.10% 2.68% 4.12%
Champion 3 1.49% 0.67% 1.01% 1.50%
Grand Champion 0.61% 0.18% 0.38% 0.53%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (33)

Tier Solo Duel Solo Standard Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.01% 99.99% 99.98% 100.01%
Bronze 2 98.59% 98.93% 99.03% 96.00%
Bronze 3 93.73% 96.07% 97.33% 90.83%
Silver 1 85.73% 92.13% 94.28% 84.03%
Silver 2 74.36% 86.42% 89.39% 75.93%
Silver 3 61.69% 79.06% 82.76% 67.49%
Gold 1 49.35% 70.41% 74.93% 59.38%
Gold 2 37.54% 60.22% 66.11% 51.46%
Gold 3 27.86% 50.01% 57.45% 44.43%
Platinum 1 20.33% 40.32% 47.13% 36.40%
Platinum 2 14.24% 31.09% 37.41% 29.03%
Platinum 3 9.84% 23.39% 29.48% 23.04%
Diamond 1 6.72% 17.30% 23.19% 18.17%
Diamond 2 4.44% 11.01% 17.52% 13.77%
Diamond 3 2.89% 6.76% 12.85% 10.23%
Champion 1 1.86% 3.99% 7.99% 6.59%
Champion 2 0.91% 2.00% 4.26% 3.72%
Champion 3 0.36% 0.71% 2.03% 1.85%
Grand Champion 0.11% 0.10% 0.77% 0.70%

Party skill and matchmaking

With the start of Season 13, we have adjusted how Party Skill works for Competitive Playlists. Party Skill will now be weighted closer to the skill of the highest-ranked player in the group than in previous Seasons.

Psyonix noticed that teams where all players have a similar rank (for example, everyone is Silver 3) tend to lose more often against teams where one player is ranked higher than the average (such as Gold 2). This is because the Gold 2 player can easily carry the low-Silver or Bronze player in his team.

This situation - combined with the amount of skill points received by the lower-skilled member of a party - encouraged boosting, hurting the integrity of Competitive play.

The developers came up with an improved party skill system that takes into account the average rank of the team and then skews it depending on the highest-ranked player. They will continue to monitor the matchmaking and adjust the math formula behind the new weighted average if necessary.

Moreover, the skill point system has been updated in order to reward more lower-ranked players for beating higher-ranked ones.

If a party member is at least one skill rank below the highest ranked player in the party the following will happen:

  • The lower ranked player will receive more skill points for beating opponents who are ranked higher.

  • The lower ranked player will lose fewer skill points for losing to opponents who are ranked higher.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (34)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.01% 99.97% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.90% 99.95% 100.00% 99.97%
Bronze 3 99.46% 99.84% 99.98% 99.82%
Silver 1 98.45% 99.49% 99.87% 99.41%
Silver 2 96.46% 98.54% 99.40% 98.43%
Silver 3 92.95% 96.46% 97.93% 96.55%
Gold 1 87.46% 92.65% 94.50% 93.25%
Gold 2 79.60% 86.26% 88.06% 87.93%
Gold 3 69.70% 77.07% 78.40% 80.36%
Platinum 1 58.85% 65.71% 66.29% 70.79%
Platinum 2 47.00% 52.69% 52.36% 59.32%
Platinum 3 35.91% 39.78% 39.16% 47.27%
Diamond 1 26.63% 28.31% 27.89% 36.10%
Diamond 2 18.58% 18.71% 18.67% 25.63%
Diamond 3 12.52% 11.57% 11.93% 17.30%
Champion 1 7.27% 5.52% 6.20% 9.59%
Champion 2 3.63% 2.24% 2.83% 4.56%
Champion 3 1.49% 0.72% 1.05% 1.64%
Grand Champion 0.53% 0.14% 0.31% 0.41%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (35)

Tier Solo Duel Solo Standard Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.01% 100.00% 100.01% 100.00%
Bronze 2 98.71% 98.96% 99.19% 96.55%
Bronze 3 94.23% 96.11% 97.70% 91.98%
Silver 1 86.72% 92.23% 94.98% 85.79%
Silver 2 76.04% 86.59% 90.60% 78.25%
Silver 3 63.85% 79.32% 84.48% 70.13%
Gold 1 51.64% 70.68% 77.08% 62.11%
Gold 2 39.77% 60.61% 68.67% 54.19%
Gold 3 29.81% 50.40% 60.18% 46.95%
Platinum 1 21.87% 40.67% 49.71% 38.49%
Platinum 2 15.35% 31.49% 39.75% 30.72%
Platinum 3 10.60% 23.74% 31.45% 24.33%
Diamond 1 7.23% 17.58% 24.81% 19.13%
Diamond 2 4.76% 11.19% 18.97% 14.55%
Diamond 3 3.09% 6.88% 14.07% 10.86%
Champion 1 1.97% 4.06% 8.17% 6.64%
Champion 2 0.95% 2.03% 3.99% 3.48%
Champion 3 0.37% 0.70% 1.63% 1.54%
Grand Champion 0.11% 0.07% 0.46% 0.47%

Note: The data shows the ranks reached at the end of the competitive season, not the highest rank achieved.

In Solo game modes, Grand Champion is equal to only 0.1% of the player base: you must refine your skills and dedicate a lot of time and effort to advance in the inhospitable Solo environment. Instead, in Standard and Doubles, 0.5% of the players reached the highest rank.

The average rank is the same as Season 11: Gold 1 in Solo Duel, Gold 3 in Solo Standard, Platinum 1 in Standard, and Gold 2 in Doubles.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (36)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.02% 99.98% 99.99% 99.99%
Bronze 2 99.93% 99.96% 99.99% 99.96%
Bronze 3 99.56% 99.86% 99.97% 99.80%
Silver 1 98.70% 99.53% 99.86% 99.35%
Silver 2 96.97% 98.63% 99.41% 98.30%
Silver 3 93.82% 96.64% 98.04% 96.30%
Gold 1 88.83% 92.95% 94.86% 92.85%
Gold 2 81.46% 86.82% 88.84% 87.41%
Gold 3 71.98% 77.92% 79.62% 79.79%
Platinum 1 61.27% 66.68% 68.00% 70.26%
Platinum 2 49.51% 53.82% 54.49% 58.90%
Platinum 3 38.12% 40.84% 41.11% 46.89%
Diamond 1 28.21% 29.06% 29.45% 35.60%
Diamond 2 19.62% 19.05% 19.78% 25.21%
Diamond 3 13.09% 11.67% 12.60% 16.80%
Champion 1 7.40% 5.42% 6.42% 9.14%
Champion 2 3.60% 2.19% 2.89% 4.33%
Champion 3 1.33% 0.66% 0.99% 1.47%
Grand Champion 0.40% 0.10% 0.26% 0.31%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (37)

Tier Solo Duel Solo Standard Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 99.99%
Bronze 2 98.80% 98.94% 99.15% 96.59%
Bronze 3 94.56% 96.09% 97.63% 92.04%
Silver 1 87.34% 92.18% 94.85% 85.81%
Silver 2 76.87% 86.51% 90.39% 78.15%
Silver 3 64.72% 79.22% 84.14% 69.85%
Gold 1 52.44% 70.58% 76.56% 61.60%
Gold 2 40.41% 60.52% 67.94% 53.43%
Gold 3 30.24% 50.24% 59.21% 46.00%
Platinum 1 22.17% 40.58% 48.50% 37.38%
Platinum 2 15.53% 31.40% 38.33% 29.48%
Platinum 3 10.70% 23.68% 29.92% 23.08%
Diamond 1 7.29% 17.56% 23.28% 17.94%
Diamond 2 4.79% 11.20% 17.53% 13.47%
Diamond 3 3.11% 6.92% 12.82% 9.93%
Champion 1 2.01% 4.14% 7.32% 5.98%
Champion 2 1.01% 2.14% 3.51% 3.08%
Champion 3 0.44% 0.86% 1.44% 1.39%
Grand Champion 0.11% 0.09% 0.42% 0.44%

MMR inflation is a legitimate concern as it creates inconsistency in the rank distribution, but a hard reset will solve the problem only momentarily: we need tools to combat the inflation, such as a MMR decay system.

The average rank increased over time, and now it reached Gold 3, but what matters the most is the amount of players at the highest ranks.

Unfortunately, we don’t know the raw numbers but only the percentages. From season 8 to 11, the percentage of players ranked at Grand Champion doubled in Solo Standard and tripled in Standard.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (38)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.01% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.92% 99.98% 100.00% 99.97%
Bronze 3 99.57% 99.88% 99.98% 99.80%
Silver 1 98.76% 99.58% 99.88% 99.36%
Silver 2 97.05% 98.72% 99.45% 98.31%
Silver 3 93.97% 96.82% 98.15% 96.25%
Gold 1 89.04% 93.17% 95.21% 92.75%
Gold 2 81.75% 87.09% 89.45% 87.35%
Gold 3 72.32% 78.30% 80.58% 79.72%
Platinum 1 61.55% 67.22% 69.20% 70.26%
Platinum 2 49.59% 54.33% 55.70% 58.89%
Platinum 3 37.93% 41.22% 42.26% 46.83%
Diamond 1 27.84% 29.26% 30.20% 35.35%
Diamond 2 19.02% 19.13% 20.06% 24.88%
Diamond 3 12.40% 11.52% 12.60% 16.47%
Champion 1 6.78% 5.25% 6.27% 8.84%
Champion 2 3.14% 2.08% 2.74% 4.08%
Champion 3 1.13% 0.64% 0.94% 1.45%
Grand Champion 0.36% 0.09% 0.26% 0.34%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (39)

Tier Solo Duel Solo Standard Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 99.99% 100.02% 100.01% 99.99%
Bronze 2 98.88% 98.92% 99.13% 96.45%
Bronze 3 94.96% 96.01% 97.55% 91.71%
Silver 1 88.06% 92.03% 94.67% 85.18%
Silver 2 77.80% 86.31% 89.97% 77.08%
Silver 3 65.68% 78.98% 83.42% 68.29%
Gold 1 53.27% 70.31% 75.44% 59.59%
Gold 2 40.97% 60.12% 66.37% 51.04%
Gold 3 30.62% 49.89% 57.22% 43.37%
Platinum 1 22.38% 40.28% 46.09% 34.60%
Platinum 2 15.60% 31.08% 35.65% 26.74%
Platinum 3 10.68% 23.38% 27.14% 20.48%
Diamond 1 7.21% 17.31% 20.56% 15.56%
Diamond 2 4.71% 10.99% 14.98% 11.37%
Diamond 3 3.02% 6.70% 10.62% 8.17%
Champion 1 1.92% 3.95% 5.84% 4.79%
Champion 2 0.95% 1.98% 2.66% 2.38%
Champion 3 0.39% 0.76% 1.02% 1.00%
Grand Champion 0.08% 0.08% 0.26% 0.27%

There is nothing new in season 10

The number of players who reached Grand Champion is lower than the past season because season 10 was about two months shorter, which drastically reduced the inflation.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (40)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 99.97% 100.01% 100.00% 100.01%
Bronze 2 99.89% 99.99% 100.00% 99.98%
Bronze 3 99.56% 99.90% 99.98% 99.80%
Silver 1 98.77% 99.60% 99.88% 99.34%
Silver 2 97.10% 98.74% 99.45% 98.24%
Silver 3 94.03% 96.86% 98.17% 96.11%
Gold 1 89.07% 93.31% 95.29% 92.57%
Gold 2 81.79% 87.36% 89.77% 87.04%
Gold 3 72.36% 78.62% 81.31% 79.46%
Platinum 1 61.53% 67.75% 70.24% 69.90%
Platinum 2 49.31% 54.85% 56.96% 58.60%
Platinum 3 37.42% 41.60% 43.43% 46.47%
Diamond 1 27.06% 29.40% 30.88% 35.00%
Diamond 2 18.10% 18.96% 20.36% 24.55%
Diamond 3 11.35% 11.23% 12.61% 15.93%
Champion 1 5.91% 4.97% 6.14% 8.45%
Champion 2 2.58% 1.91% 2.59% 3.83%
Champion 3 0.88% 0.59% 0.86% 1.32%
Grand Champion 0.29% 0.11% 0.25% 0.36%

Standard modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (41)

Tier Solo Duel Solo Standard Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 99.98% 100.02% 100.01% 100.02%
Bronze 2 98.89% 98.86% 99.03% 96.24%
Bronze 3 95.06% 95.81% 97.31% 91.23%
Silver 1 88.23% 91.71% 94.19% 84.31%
Silver 2 77.93% 85.84% 89.14% 75.74%
Silver 3 65.66% 78.36% 82.10% 66.48%
Gold 1 53.14% 69.57% 73.65% 57.45%
Gold 2 40.72% 59.29% 64.08% 48.66%
Gold 3 30.30% 49.02% 54.58% 40.87%
Platinum 1 22.07% 39.44% 43.25% 32.13%
Platinum 2 15.28% 30.26% 32.75% 24.38%
Platinum 3 10.37% 22.64% 24.36% 18.36%
Diamond 1 6.93% 16.62% 18.05% 13.70%
Diamond 2 4.50% 10.46% 12.74% 9.77%
Diamond 3 2.82% 6.23% 8.77% 6.85%
Champion 1 1.74% 3.54% 4.65% 3.91%
Champion 2 0.85% 1.71% 2.04% 1.89%
Champion 3 0.36% 0.67% 0.82% 0.84%
Grand Champion 0.16% 0.17% 0.29% 0.32%

Let’s compare the stats from season 8 to 9:

  • The average rank is still Gold 2 (in solo standard).

  • Reaching Bronze 1 is a real achievement because it is as difficult as getting Champion 2.

  • The amount of players at Grand Champion doubled or tripled depending on the queue considered.

Overall, we can notice a slight increase in players at high ranks. There are a few potential reasons behind this situation:

  • The length of the season may play a role as season 9 lasted a month longer, so the players had more time to rank up.

  • If many players stopped playing the game (those who leave are usually the lowest-ranked ones), the percentile shifted towards the higher ranks. I believe this is not the case because the game is very healthy, and afaik Rocket League kept gaining players over time since the release on Xbox in 2016.

  • Some players believe that there is an inflation problem which could be solved via a hard reset, but I don’t think this is a great idea.

Of course, there is a huge disparity in skill among the players at Grand Champion, but the matchmaking is based on the MMR, not on the tier.

The top players have long waiting times, and ultimately they are paired with lower MMR opponents. There is not a simple solution to this problem.

The same issue takes place in almost every competitive game because there are not enough very-skilled players, so the matchmaking in forced to place them with lower-skilled adversaries, otherwise pros and semi-pros would wait hours for a game.

Extra modes

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (42)

Tier Rumble Dropshot Hoops Snow Day
Bronze 1 100.00% 99.99% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 99.93% 99.98% 100.00% 99.96%
Bronze 3 99.60% 99.89% 99.97% 99.78%
Silver 1 98.80% 99.60% 99.86% 99.26%
Silver 2 97.09% 98.74% 99.43% 98.05%
Silver 3 93.90% 96.83% 98.16% 95.80%
Gold 1 88.80% 93.33% 95.41% 91.94%
Gold 2 81.23% 87.28% 90.10% 86.14%
Gold 3 71.44% 78.51% 81.83% 78.20%
Platinum 1 60.36% 67.39% 71.18% 68.46%
Platinum 2 47.78% 54.15% 57.83% 56.61%
Platinum 3 35.62% 40.69% 43.95% 44.17%
Diamond 1 25.24% 28.32% 31.08% 32.62%
Diamond 2 16.62% 18.04% 20.28% 22.43%
Diamond 3 9.84% 10.22% 12.16% 13.91%
Champion 1 4.74% 4.28% 5.58% 6.88%
Champion 2 1.97% 1.56% 2.27% 3.04%
Champion 3 0.64% 0.45% 0.77% 1.00%
Grand Champion 0.28% 0.17% 0.38% 0.48%

The rank distribution for the extra modes is peculiar as the average rank is Platinum 2, and only 10% of the player base is placed at Bronze and Silver.

I believe the main reasoning behind the current distribution is that the competitive system in these modes is new, and they also have fewer players if compared to standard modes. The ranks should rebalance over time, so we might have huge changes already in season 10.

Season 8

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (43)

Tier Solo Duel Solo Standard Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Bronze 2 97.75% 97.74% 98.49% 94.58%
Bronze 3 94.00% 94.58% 96.46% 89.09%
Silver 1 87.56% 90.24% 92.84% 81.66%
Silver 2 77.69% 84.06% 87.10% 72.51%
Silver 3 65.64% 76.28% 79.17% 62.70%
Gold 1 53.08% 67.05% 69.81% 53.23%
Gold 2 40.71% 56.54% 59.48% 44.28%
Gold 3 30.27% 46.06% 49.51% 36.49%
Platinum 1 21.93% 36.37% 37.85% 27.87%
Platinum 2 15.17% 27.30% 27.55% 20.49%
Platinum 3 8.93% 17.92% 19.62% 14.88%
Diamond 1 5.05% 11.21% 13.86% 10.67%
Diamond 2 2.69% 6.47% 9.22% 7.25%
Diamond 3 1.36% 3.57% 5.94% 4.79%
Champion 1 0.62% 1.81% 2.86% 2.50%
Champion 2 0.18% 0.61% 1.07% 1.02%
Champion 3 0.07% 0.20% 0.40% 0.42%
Grand Champion 0.03% 0.05% 0.14% 0.16%

A summary of the data

In Rocket League there are various ranked queues, thus one may ask which rank matters the most. This isn’t an easy question to answer, and I believe different people can have divergent points of view on the matter.

In my opinion, Solo Standard is the best indicator for both your positioning and global skills because this game mode forces you to carry the match “alone”. It is brutal.

Nevertheless, we mustnever forget that independently from your individual skills, Rocket League is a team game, so your ability to coordinate with the teammatesis crucial to achieve victory.

Many players prefer solo-queuingin Standard to Solo Standard because the latter often seems more unpleasant and chaotic:

  • A smaller portion of the player base plays in Solo Standard - which affects the rank distribution - so it is harder to rank up due to the wider skill gap among the players in the same match.

  • Toxicity is more widespread. Many players tend toignore their teammates and play in solo, so communications within the squad are almost not-existent (in the majority of games).

Solo Standard data

  • The average player is a Gold 2. I believe the ranks are quite balanced with 10% of the player base at Bronze and 45% at Gold 1 and below.

  • Gold contains most of the players, but the figures aren’t that different at Silver and Platinum. Instead, achieving higher ranks really requires to master the game.

  • Champion represents the elite as only 1,81% of the player base is able to reach it. Obtaining Diamond is already a great accomplishment as you are in the top 10% worldwide.

Season 7

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (44)

Tier Solo Duel Solo Standard Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100 100 100 100
Bronze 2 97.35 97.5 98.39 94.04
Bronze 3 93.73 94.52 96.38 88.74
Silver 1 87.61 90.35 92.79 81.39
Silver 2 78.15 84.37 87.08 72.23
Silver 3 66.36 76.77 79.10 62.32
Gold 1 53.85 67.6 69.59 52.66
Gold 2 41.51 57.06 59.02 43.46
Gold 3 30.97 46.44 48.75 35.45
Platinum 1 22.47 36.6 36.7 26.63
Platinum 2 15.59 27.32 26.11 19.14
Platinum 3 9.13 17.75 18.06 13.53
Diamond 1 5.13 10.96 12.32 9.43
Diamond 2 2.72 6.17 7.82 6.15
Diamond 3 1.36 3.3 4.72 3.86
Champion 1 0.59 1.56 2 1.8
Champion 2 0.12 0.36 0.57 0.56
Champion 3 0.04 0.10 0.18 0.2
Grand Champion 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.08

Season 6

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (45)

Tier Solo Duel Solo Standard Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100 100 100 100
Bronze 2 96.53 97.1 98.54 94.54
Bronze 3 92.54 93.95 96.6 89.37
Silver 1 85.92 89.5 93.09 82.06
Silver 2 75.76 83.12 87.41 72.77
Silver 3 63.61 75.13 79.34 62.53
Gold 1 51.01 65.51 69.58 52.49
Gold 2 38.82 54.51 58.6 42.88
Gold 3 28.72 43.78 47.89 34.5
Platinum 1 18.36 33.91 35.28 25.35
Platinum 2 10.7 24.71 24.31 17.66
Platinum 3 5.96 15.5 16.19 12.07
Diamond 1 3.23 9.21 10.59 8.13
Diamond 2 1.62 4.91 6.37 5.11
Diamond 3 0.78 2.48 3.68 3.12
Champion 1 0.35 1.16 1.52 1.49
Champion 2 0.1 0.33 0.46 0.52
Champion 3 0.04 0.1 0.15 0.2
Grand Champion 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.08

Notable changes

Comparing the data from season 6 with the previous ones, we can notice that the distribution changed. In season 5, the amount of players in Bronze was almost twice as larger, and the average player was a high Silver 3 - Platinum also incorporated a lot less players.

Overall, I don’t think that pile up most of the users in the lower ranks is a good idea, so I support the adjustments brought in during season 6.

Season 5

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (46)

Tier Solo Duel Solo Standard Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100 100 100 100
Bronze 2 95.95 95.72 98.04 94.59
Bronze 3 87.19 89.58 93.96 85.85
Silver 1 74.24 81.63 86.8 74.07
Silver 2 58.25 70.91 75.85 60.53
Silver 3 43.68 59.21 62.74 47.62
Gold 1 31.35 47.6 49.51 36.38
Gold 2 21.24 35.65 36.4 26.41
Gold 3 13.79 25.86 25.76 18.84
Platinum 1 8.99 18.35 17.92 13.26
Platinum 2 5.2 11.71 11.43 8.69
Platinum 3 3.01 7.33 7.21 5.74
Diamond 1 1.7 4.55 4.55 3.8
Diamond 2 0.89 2.47 2.48 2.25
Diamond 3 0.49 1.36 1.21 1.26
Champion 1 0.27 0.74 0.66 0.76
Champion 2 0.13 0.34 0.29 0.37
Champion 3 0.07 0.15 0.12 0.17
Grand Champion 0.03 0.07 0.06 0.09

Season 4

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (47)

Tier Solo Duel Solo Standard Standard Doubles
Bronze 1 100 100 100 100
Bronze 2 96.66 96.3 98.37 95.23
Bronze 3 88.52 90.59 94.77 86.99
Silver 1 76.02 82.88 88.13 75.4
Silver 2 59.87 71.71 77.42 61.49
Silver 3 45.33 59.56 64.45 48.19
Gold 1 33.16 47.78 51.22 36.66
Gold 2 22.35 35.09 37.23 26
Gold 3 14.65 25.19 26.19 18.15
Platinum 1 9.72 17.78 18.14 12.58
Platinum 2 5.44 10.79 10.93 7.76
Platinum 3 3.16 6.6 6.66 4.93
Diamond 1 1.84 4.02 4.14 3.22
Diamond 2 0.93 2.02 2.07 1.76
Diamond 3 0.5 1.05 1.01 0.98
Champion 1 0.28 0.56 0.57 0.6
Champion 2 0.12 0.22 0.24 0.26
Champion 3 0.06 0.09 0.1 0.12
Grand Champion 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07

Statistics and header image: Psyonix

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (48)

Vincenzo "Skulz" Milella

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Rocket League Rank Distribution in Season 14 and percentage of players | Esports Tales (2024)


What percent of people are in each rank in Rocket League? ›

Rocket League Ranks
Tier / Players TrackedDivision IDivision II
Diamond I 293,454 players (6.77%)815 — 818819 — 837
Platinum III 478,096 players (11.03%)755 — 758759 — 777
Platinum II 691,298 players (15.95%)695 — 698699 — 717
Platinum I 803,836 players (18.55%)635 — 638639 — 657
19 more rows

What rank is the average Rocket League player? ›

Thanks. Average is Gold 3 for 3v3's. If you actually look at gameplay, like a saved replay from when we were all bronze, you'd actually understand how much you've grown and gotten better.

How many divs are in each rank in Rocket League? ›

Competitive Ranks in Rocket League start at Bronze and continue to Silver, Gold, and beyond. Each Rank is divided into Divisions. There are four Divisions in each Rank.

What percentage of league players are platinum? ›

RankRank %Tier %
Emerald IV5.5%12%
Platinum I2.2%16%
Platinum II3.6%
Platinum III3.9%
27 more rows

Is Champ 1 a good rank? ›

Its good, just not the best. Keep grinding past champ 1 try going for champ 3 at least.

What is the rank disparity in Rocket League? ›

Players need to be within 3 Ranks of each other. This is so a 3rd teammate will be able to join a similarly Ranked team. Example: If two party members are Platinum 2 and Diamond 3 (a gap of 4 Ranks), they will not be able to queue in 3v3 Standard.

Who is the No 1 Rocket League player? ›

1. Vatira. Axel “vatira.” Touret is without question the best player in the world right now. Alongside the aforementioned Rise, he was undoubtedly Moist Esports' MVP throughout the RLCS 21-22 season.

What rank is considered pro in Rocket League? ›

Here is the complete list with all the Rocket League levels: Levels 1 to 9 – Rookie. Levels 10 to 19 – Semi-Pro. Levels 20 to 29 – Pro.

How much LP do you lose for decay? ›

After 28 inactive days in Diamond, players will begin to lose 50 LP each day they remain inactive. As for the Apex Tiers of Master and above, players will begin to decay after just 14 days of inactivity and will lose 75 LP each day. You can bank active days by playing multiple games in order to delay this.

How many wins does it take to rank up in Rocket League? ›

There is no fixed amount of games that you need to rank up. Ranking up depends not only on wins and losses, but also the difficulty of the matches.

What rank is the average league player? ›

Silver and Gold – most players fall within these ranks, so they're considered the “average” ranks. Platinum, Emerald, and Diamond – players at this rank have a solid grasp of advanced gameplay and strategy, and have likely put a lot of hours into LoL. Platinum is considered a very respectable rank.

How good are Platinum players Rocket League? ›

Platinum goes from S3 challenger elite to S3 Shooting star. So it depends. Low plat = garbage, high plat = average. I'd say above rising star at least right now.

Can you decay out of Plat? ›

Decay only occurs for players in Diamond and up, so if you're in Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Emerald, feel free to skip this section! Reaching the top tiers of League is just the first step. If you want to keep your position, you'll have to fight for it.

What MMR is Champ 1? ›

Champion 1: 1075-1195. Diamond 3: 995-1075. Diamond 2: 915-995. Diamond 1: 835-915.

How many hours does it take to hit SSL? ›

How much experience do you need to get SSL? Some players who are incredibly cracked, you know, the 14, the 15, the 16 year old prodigy, some have gotten SSL in 1.5 k hours, 1.82 k hours. But for the vast, vast majority of normal people, we're looking at 3 k, 4 k hours at minimum to get SSL.

What is the best rank in Rocket League? ›

There are currently nine rank titles in Rocket League, with another four divisions within each rank. That means that, in total, there are 23 total ranks in the game - including Unranked and the top-level of Supersonic Legend (neither of which have divisions).

What percentage of Overwatch 2 players are in each rank? ›

RankOf totalPercentile
Diamond12.3 %82.3 ... 94.6 %
Platinum26.2 %56.1 ... 82.3 %
Gold26.8 %29.3 ... 56.1 %
Silver19.1 %10.2 ... 29.3 %
3 more rows

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.